Blue Point "Toasted" Lager 5.5%$7.00 (16oz.) / $27.00 pitcher (Patchogue, NY)
Pours clear amber with a creamy khaki head. Aroma of malt, caramel, and toast. Smooth, mildly bitter while mildly sweet. Budweiser Lager 5.0%$3.50 (16oz) / $10.00 pitcher (St Louis, MO)
Bud Light 4.2%$3.50 (16oz) / $10.00 pitcher (St Louis, MO)
Carlsberg Eurolager 5.0%$6.00 (16oz.) / $20.00 pitcher (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Crabbie Paddy$9.00/ (20oz.)
Crabbie’s Ginger Beer & Guinness Dirty Hoe$9.25 (20 oz.)
Hoegaarden with a splash of raspberry liquor. Down East “Pineapple” Cider 5.5%$5.50 (16 oz) /$20.00 pitcher (Boston, MA)
Pours hazy gold with a lacy white head. Made with five varieties of apple and pineapple for a crisp and refreshing brew Elysian Brewing Space Dust 8.5%$6.75 (12oz) / $25.00 pitcher (Seattle, WA)
Pours hazy gold with a vast white head. Perfect flavor trilogy of spice, citrus, Ave earthy notes. Medium body and strong happy bitterness from start to finish. McAllister 'First Love" English Brown Ale 5.2%$5.00 (12oz) / $19.00 pitcher (North Wales, PA)
Pours dark brown. This rich smooth beer has notes of bread caramel chocolate and nuts. Founders “All Day” IPA 4.7%$4.75 (16 oz.) / $15.00 pitcher (Grand Rapids, MI)
Clear golden hue with a modest white head. Slightly toasty fruity aroma; lots of pine and fruit flavors with a sweet malt finish. Medium-bodied…when you gotta last all day. Goose Island IPA 5.9%$6.00 (12oz) / $20.00 pitcher (Chicago, Illinois)
Amber to orange hue with a decent white head. Citrus and pine aromas, a classic English style IPA with a west coast hop twist. A perennial Great American Beer Festival medal-winner. Guinness Irish Dry Stout 4.2%$7.00 (20 oz.) / $22.00 pitcher (Dublin, Ireland)
Hoegaarden Belgian Whit Ale 5.0%$8.00 (20oz.) / $24.00 pitcher (Hoegaarden, Belgium)
Pale yellow and hazy with a pillowy white head. Brewed with barley, wheat, orange peel and coriander, yielding citrusy aromas and a bready, banana flavor with a slightly sour finish. Refreshing! House Black & Tan
$6.50 (20oz.) Guinness & Founders “All Day” IPA
Konig Ludwig Hefeweisen 5.9%$6.75 (20oz.) / $18.00 pitcher (Warstein, Germany)
Cloudy pale gold color (the cloudiness is imparted by the ‘Hefe’, German for yeast), mild, pillowy head. Exhibit’s the typical clove and citrus aromas found in Bavarian wheat beers. Banana, clove & citrus flavors; finishes dry & refreshing! Lancaster Brewing "Blue Trail" Lemon Blueberry Shandy 5%$5.00 (16oz) / $18.00 Pitcher (Lancaster, PA)
Pours a hazy gold with a light head. This lemon blueberry shandy is light, crisp, and sweet. A great summer thirst quencher! Modelo Negra Munich-Style Dark Lager 5.3%$5.50 (16oz) / $20.00 Pitcher (Mexico City, Mexico)
Deep russet color; a sweetish start with a distinctive bitter chocolate flavor and dry mild finish. Slightly creamy and mild; a truly refreshing dark lager. New Belgium “Fat Tire” American Amber Ale 5.2%$6.00 (16oz) / $20.00 Pitcher (Fort Collins, CO)
Coppery hue with a creamy white lacing. Biscuity, fruity aroma; mildly hoppy and medium bodied with good carbonation. The name is a reference to the brewer’s bicycle trip through Belgium in 1989. Snake Bite$6.50 (20 oz.) Magners & Guinness
Stella Cider 5.0%$6.25 (20 oz.) / $18 Pitcher (Co. Tipperary, Ireland)
European-style cider with a distinctive crisp taste similar to white wine. Pours gold with a light head, medium body and dry finish. Victory “Hop Devil” Nitro IPA 6.7 %$5.50 (16oz) / $18.00 pitcher (Downingtown, PA)
Pours a copper color with herbal, malt and pine hop aromas; Sweet caramel and malts followed by a generous floral hop flavor. Medium bodied. Victory Golden Monkey Belgian Triple 9.5 %$6.75 (12oz) / $29.00 pitcher (Downingtown, PA)
A unique hybrid of Belgian-Style Triple and Belgian-Style Wit Ale; hazy yellow golden color with a rich creamy white head and moderate Brussels Lace. Citrus, floral and fruit aromas; complex yet mellow with flavors of coriander, yeast & orange with slight hints of hops and spices. Light-bodied with moderate carbonation. Yellow Jacket$7.00 (20oz.) Guinness & Hoegaarden